Sunday, April 9, 2017

Dewa Athena

Dewa Athena was held on 25th March 2017. Knowing this event is a sport kind, I preferred not joining anything. May be just sit and cheer for my class, expecting to win. Actually I had some sport records at junior high but I was too afraid to show on public.

Unfortunately, applying self to the game was an obligation. So I took a volunteer on traditional game, Gobak Sodor.

In reality, as the game started on 7.55, I didn’t play. My friends did, because they had an angklung practice at the afternoon. Gobak Sodor was the only game they could play. And the result, we win against the X science 9! Bara was the ace who succeeds on passing the last guard on the opponent’s team.

Gobak Sodor finished around 8.30 am. I and my friends took a break while searching for foods. Some of them hadn’t have breakfast so we went to Ayam Geprek. 

Next game was girl’s football. We were so lazy to go back, but we were pitied on our friends at Lapbal so that we went back.

I was forced to join football because we had limited player. I once remembered the time I used to love playing football at the ages of 10. May be I should try again? I stepped forward, going with my team against X science 2. They had so many supporters and friends who shouted and cheered them as the game began. Science 8 had also supporters, but I thought they were praying inside instead of shouted it out.

The result, my team won. I was so happy but felt bad to our opponent and so their fans. I shook one of their players as the game ends.

Next up is volleyball. I couldn’t play volley, I was bad. But again, I was forced. I ignored hard but Gaby and Bara dragged me to the field. Once I entered, I couldn’t go back because the game was really starting. I almost cried, afraid that I could ruin the team. But evidently, I could serve! I was very shocked. What did my hands do? I didn’t even know. I jumped down until my knees bend, squatting, covering my mouth with hands. This was not a dream!

And finally, my team won against X science 6. I was very delighted. The next game is dodgeball. I encouraged myself to volunteer, even though I didn’t know how to play. Our opponent was X science 2. They were so excited yet fiery, and they won.

Our last game today is a tug of war. This is our favourite. I didn’t play so I just sat and cheered them. Sometimes I shouted them nearby, to keep my class’ spirit. And yes, we won!

My first expectation of Dewa Athena was wrong. This event has to reserve 4 until 5 stars rating.


Abbreviation of United Kingdom
Black and white stripped animal
An annual holiday celebrated on February 14
The vascular tissue in plants that conducts water and dissolved nutrients upward from the root
An activity, often regular and performed in exchange for payment
Strongly audible, having exceptional volume or intensity
Abbreviation of air conditioner
Synonym of broad, large, big
Used to indicate inclusion within space, a place, or limits. Its an preposition
Abbreviation of ultra violet
Simple past tense and past participle of dry
Pork that has been preserved through salting, smoking, or wet curing
A thing that laid by female animals or many different species and have been eaten by human as it contains a lot protein
A fertile spot in a desert where water is found
Plural noun of face
A toothed wheel that engages with another toothed wheel in order to change the speed of direction of transmitted motion


An establishment that maintains a collection of wild animals, typically in a park or gardens
A toy that has a light frame with thin material stretched over it, flown in the wind at the end of a long string
An insect of a large group to which the honeybee belongs, including many solitary
A cereal plant cultivated chiefly in cool climates and widely used for animal feed as well as human consumption
A social gathering of invited guests, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment.
Sentence worded or expressed, it usually uses "?"
A loud, it’s usually used to give spirit as a group
Activity or purpose natural to or intended for a person or thing
Choice between two or more candidates or courses of action
Synonyms of unnatural
Past participle of make
Air like fluid substance which expands freely to fill any space available
Synonyms structure
Auxiliary for she, he, it

Sunday, January 8, 2017


Everybody must be so excited facing a wonderful terms of holiday, and so do I. But what would I do to fulfill that gap? I had no idea. I didn't have any plan to go abroad nor another cities. I literally didn't want to spend my days with sleeping-eating-watching.

I've thought about studying, but that's too diligent which didn't suit me as well. How about crafting? Lately, I had made little statues from clay. It had been so interesting back then but I didn't have any moods to do that this weekends.

For a week, I did nothing valuable. It seemed my times were wasted just like that. I didn't even clean my room. What a mess I did.

I started to think hard, "What would I do in this holiday?" This free-time is hardly ever happens in my school so I should use this chance effectively. Then I decided to visit my uncle in Sukabumi. Finally, it really felt like a holiday. We went to evening street-market, I had a lot fun. We ate and share ice creams, meatballs, pisang ijo, seblak, drinks etc. My travel in Sukabumi last for a week, then I went Bandung for home.

I started to realize about the importance of studying on holiday, since I saw my friends were working hard doing summaries for several subjects. "I should do that too," I thought. 4th of January, I called Nadillah and Hirzi. They were studying during this holiday, specially Hirzi. So we decided to study together at ITB library.

We ought to meet up at 8am, but it just me who came on time. Poorly, I should study alone until Hirzi came at 9am. We went upstairs and started our works. He did Geography while I did Indonesian. I did brought my Ipad and headphone for refreshments:)

"I'm tired." complained Hirzi.
"I know just the right thing," I said, while took my refreshments.
"Dramas?" I asked. "Sure!"

We ended up our day at the library with K-Dramas. Unfortunately, Nadillah couldn't come due to the traffic matters.

Time for lunch, we went to Chingu Resto at Wastukencana. We would meet Nadillah there. Fortunately, she had booked us the table and was sitting there alone. We felt sorry but couldn't help to laugh. We ordered many things such as fried chicken, tteoppoki, pancakes, jjangmyeon, oreo milkshake, ramyun etc.
I couldn't mention them all 'cause we bought so much since we were starving like to death.

I walked through the corridor that connects with another likely restaurant. With Nadillah, we took a lot pictures and selfies because it was an unique environment which has designed like a small city in Korea. I got excited, very excited. I saw a wall of Song Joongki's human-like poster which attracted me so much.
We could request songs too. I liked this place!

We spent many hours here. We did Indonesian homework besides eating, and we really enjoyed our time.

So many things to tell, yet I thought this blog was long enough:) See you on my next post, bye!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Junior High School Announcement

Note : This post is made in order to improve my latest announcement score (which was 70)

For all 9th grade students from Inesya Junior High School,

There will be a graduation event that will be held on:

Image result for junior high graduation clipart pngDate : 1st June 2016
Time : 8am - finish 
Place : Trans Studio Convention Centre Bandung

For boys, you're obligated to wear tuxedo and don't forget to make up your hair. For girls, you can wear a fancy dress or our traditional clothes called kebaya. Be sure to be the most graceful student with the most humble smile you could make.

Ask your beloved parents to come with, sure we will be happy for that. See you my boys and girls on graduation!

Video link :

Sunday, November 20, 2016


Have you ever heard about graphology? 
Graphology is the study of handwriting, for example as used to infer a person's character. We learn and do a little research about someone's handwriting.

Actually, it was all of sudden when I started to love graphology. One time, I opened my favorite app on my phone, Youtube. I don't know why, but once I saw a video appeared on my dashboard about 'identifying characters based on handwriting'. I opened that video, then watched 'till the end. Wow, I learned a lot! 

It mentioned about people's type of handwriting. Such as the size, pressure, the curves, position, and many more. I tried to crosscheck the review on the video with my type of writing. It was quite shocking, because it all matches.

I do write with big pressure, and it says that I used to take thing seriously. Well, you're analyze is true. And my sign is quite legible, so I am not a really private person. I shape medium curve in 'g' letter. It means I need friends, but I can go alone sometimes. 

Based on my examination, it almost proof 100% of someone's personalities. So I could used this method to analyze my friend's personality. It sounds interesting, and I can't wait to try:)

These are some examples of the analysis based on graphology method:

I just realize, I have a friend who write as an image above. He's a cumulative thinker. And I think that analysis is true, because he doesn't want to make any statement or decision before he got all the scientific fact he needs. 

From this term of study, I could learn about people's personalities, especially my own characteristic. I know that I am a person with low self-esteem. All I need to do is evaluating and improving my self into a better person.

Well that's all my thoughts about graphology. Thank you and see you on my next post!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Helen Keller

* I've been working with Amanda Mirasherly (XMIPA8) to complete our presentation project

Helen Adams Keller is a writer, political activist, and the lecturer in the United States. She is a writer and one of the famous book is "The World I Live In" and "The Story of My Life" which became a classic in American literature and translated into 50 languages.
Full Name : Helen Adams Keller
Place of Birth : Tuscumbia 
date of Birth : June 27, 1880
Work : Writer, Activist, and Lecturer
Parents : Arthur H. Keller (father) and Kate Adams Keller (mother)

Helen Keller was the first of two daughters born to Arthur H. Keller and Katherine Adams Keller. She also had two older stepbrothers. Keller's father had proudly served as an officer in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. The family was not particularly wealthy and earned income from their cotton plantation. Later, Arthur became the editor of a weekly local newspaper, the North Alabamian.

Keller was born with her senses of sight and hearing, and started speaking when she was just 6 months old. She started walking at the age of 1.

In 1882, however, Keller contracted an illness—called "brain fever" by the family doctor—that produced a high body temperature. The true nature of the illness remains a mystery today, though some experts believe it might have been scarlet fever or meningitis. Within a few days after the fever broke, Keller's mother noticed that her daughter didn't show any reaction when the dinner bell was rung, or when a hand was waved in front of her face. Keller had lost both her sight and hearing. She was just 19 months old.

As Keller grew into childhood, she developed a limited method of communication with her companion, Martha Washington, the young daughter of the family cook. The two had created a type of sign language, and by the time Keller was 7, they had invented more than 60 signs to communicate with each other. But Keller had become very wild and unruly during this time. She would kick and scream when angry, and giggle uncontrollably when happy. She tormented Martha and inflicted raging tantrums on her parents. Many family relatives felt she should be institutionalized. Looking for answers and inspiration, in 1886, Keller's mother came across a travelogue by Charles Dickens, American Notes. She read of the successful education of another deaf and blind child, Laura Bridgman, and soon dispatched Keller and her father to Baltimore, Maryland to see specialist Dr. J. Julian Chisolm. After examining Keller, Chisolm recommended that she see Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, who was working with deaf children at the time. Bell met with Keller and her parents, and suggested that they travel to the Perkins Institute for the Blind in Boston, Massachusetts. There, the family met with the school's director, Michael Anaganos. He suggested Helen work with one of the institute's most recent graduates, Anne Sullivan. And so began a 49-year relationship between teacher and pupil. On March 3, 1887, Sullivan went to Keller's home in Alabama and immediately went to work. She began by teaching six year-old Helen finger spelling, starting with the word "doll," to help Keller understand the gift of a doll she had brought along. Other words would follow. At first, Keller was curious, then defiant, refusing to cooperate with Sullivan's instruction. When Keller did cooperate, Sullivan could tell that she wasn't making the connection between the objects and the letters spelled out in her hand. Sullivan kept working at it, forcing Helen to go through the regimen.

As Keller's frustration grew, the tantrums increased. Finally, Sullivan demanded that she and Keller be isolated from the rest of the family for a time, so that Keller could concentrate only on Sullivan's instruction. They moved to a cottage on the plantation.

In a dramatic struggle, Sullivan taught Keller the word "water"; she helped her make the connection between the object and the letters by taking Keller out to the water pump, and placing Keller's hand under the spout. While Sullivan moved the lever to flush cool water over Keller's hand, she spelled out the word w-a-t-e-r on Helen's other hand. Keller understood and repeated the word in Sullivan's hand. She then pounded the ground, demanding to know its "letter name." Sullivan followed her, spelling out the word into her hand. Keller moved to other objects with Sullivan in tow. By nightfall, she had learned 30 words.

In 1890, Keller began speech classes at the Horace Mann School for the Deaf in Boston. She would toil for 25 years to learn to speak so that others could understand her. From 1894 to 1896, she attended the Wright-Humason School for the Deaf in New York City. There, she worked on improving her communication skills and studied regular academic subjects.

Around this time, Keller became determined to attend college. In 1896, she attended the Cambridge School for Young Ladies, a preparatory school for women. As her story became known to the general public, Keller began to meet famous and influential people. One of them was the writer Mark Twain, who was very impressed with her. They became friends. Twain introduced her to his friend Henry H. Rogers, a Standard Oil executive. Rogers was so impressed with Keller's talent, drive and determination that he agreed to pay for her to attend Radcliffe College. There, she was accompanied by Sullivan, who sat by her side to interpret lectures and texts.

By this time, Keller had mastered several methods of communication, including touch-lip reading, Braille, speech, typing and finger-spelling. With the help of Sullivan and Sullivan's future husband, John Macy, Keller wrote her first book, The Story of My Life. It covered her transformation from childhood to 21-year-old college student. Keller graduated, cum laude, from Radcliffe in 1904, at the age of 24.

In 1905, Sullivan married John Macy, an instructor at Harvard University, a social critic and a prominent socialist. After the marriage, Sullivan continued to be Keller's guide and mentor. When Keller went to live with the Macys, they both initially gave Keller their undivided attention. Gradually, however, Anne and John became distant to each other, as Anne's devotion to Keller continued unabated. After several years, they separated, though were never divorced.

After college, Keller set out to learn more about the world and how she could help improve the lives of others. News of her story spread beyond Massachusetts and New England. She became a well-known celebrity and lecturer by sharing her experiences with audiences, and working on behalf of others living with disabilities. Throughout the first half of the 20th century, Keller tackled social and political issues, including women's suffrage, pacifism and birth control. She testified before Congress, strongly advocating to improve the welfare of blind people. In 1915, along with renowned city planner George Kessler, she co-founded Helen Keller International to combat the causes and consequences of blindness and malnutrition. In 1920, she helped found the American Civil Liberties Union.

When the American Federation for the Blind was established in 1921, Keller had an effective national outlet for her efforts. She became a member in 1924, and participated in many campaigns to raise awareness, money and support for the blind. She also joined other organizations dedicated to helping those less fortunate, including the Permanent Blind War Relief Fund (later called the American Braille Press).

Soon after she graduated from college, Keller became a member of the Socialist Party, most likely due in part to her friendship with John Macy. Between 1909 and 1921, she wrote several articles about socialism and supported Eugene Debs, a Socialist Party presidential candidate. Her series of essays on socialism, entitled "Out of the Dark," described her views on socialism and world affairs.

It was during this time that Keller first experienced public prejudice about her disabilities. For most of her life, the press had been overwhelmingly supportive of her, praising her courage and intelligence. But after she expressed her socialist views, some criticized her by calling attention to her disabilities. One newspaper, the Brooklyn Eagle, wrote that her "mistakes sprung out of the manifest limitations of her development."

In 1936, Keller's beloved teacher and devoted companion, Anne Sullivan, died. She had experienced health problems for several years and, in 1932, lost her eyesight completely. A young woman named Polly Thomson, who had begun working as a secretary for Keller and Sullivan in 1914, became Keller's constant companion upon Sullivan's death.

In 1946, Keller was appointed counselor of international relations for the American Foundation of Overseas Blind. Between 1946 and 1957, she traveled to 35 countries on five continents. In 1955, at age 75, Keller embarked on the longest and most grueling trip of her life: a 40,000-mile, five-month trek across Asia. Through her many speeches and appearances, she brought inspiration and encouragement to millions of people.

Keller's autobiography, The Story of My Life, was used as the basis for 1957 television drama The Miracle Worker. In 1959, the story was developed into a Broadway play of the same title, starring Patty Duke as Keller and Anne Bancroft as Sullivan. The two actresses also performed those roles in the 1962 award-winning film version of the play.

Keller suffered a series of strokes in 1961, and spent the remaining years of her life at her home in Connecticut. During her lifetime, she received many honors in recognition of her accomplishments, including the Theodore Roosevelt Distinguished Service Medal in 1936, the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1964, and election to the Women's Hall of Fame in 1965. She also received honorary doctoral degrees from Temple University and Harvard University and from the universities of Glasgow, Scotland; Berlin, Germany; Delhi, India; and Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. Additionally, she was named an Honorary Fellow of the Educational Institute of Scotland.

Keller died in her sleep on June 1, 1968, just a few weeks before her 88th birthday. During her remarkable life, Keller stood as a powerful example of how determination, hard work, and imagination can allow an individual to triumph over adversity. By overcoming difficult conditions with a great deal of persistence, she grew into a respected and world-renowned activist who labored for the betterment of others.


Sunday, October 23, 2016

My Favorite Place and Questions

Where do I want to visit? May be the correct question is, where do I want to stay? Just kidding. Actually I do want to stay for several months in some certain countries while learning their cultures and language. If I have to choose one, I'd rather choose Japan. Why Japan?

I had been living in Japan for 4 years since I was two. So at least I have a glance of depiction about the country. I lived in a small city named Toyohashi. This city has been told by Mrs.Wiwin in the class before, so I had my own excitement writing on this blog.

I had my kindergarten period in Japan. It's a fun journey even though I'm the only Indonesian and moslem in my school. Sometimes I had a hard time during school because of friends, but it wasn't really a big deal.

Why had I lived in Japan? I followed my parents because they were having a doctoral student in Toyohashi University of Technology. We had an Indonesian student association there named PPI (Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia). I had best friends there! Most of their ages were above me. Now they live in different cities in Indonesia.

If I had a chance to visit that country again, I'd love to go to Toyohashi once more. Why? Because I want to recall the memories. No. Not recall.
It's better to make new memories rather than remind the old ones. 
Lol I've got an quote.

Actually I do want to feel the air of Japan. The cool, cold, mild, and sweet air that refresh your mind. I also want to experience the four seasons. The cool air in spring, warmth in summer, refreshing time in fall, and crystal clear snowballs in winter.

Oh, and food! You should know that I'm kind of food lover. But unfortunately I could be gaining weight easily, so I must limit my willing of eating. Go back to topic.

About food in Japan, I recommend you some., takoyaki. For the one who doesn't know anything about takoyaki, you're outdated. Indonesian takoyaki and original takoyaki which means Japanese takoyaki are much different. Number one is the tako (octopus) itself. Japanese style's size is much bigger. Here, our takoyaki is kinda stingy. We got only a little piece of octopus's leg. How dare:( Number two is the flour. You can understand the differences when you taste both and start comparing those. Number three is the amount of sauce and other addition. The last, is the size of the takoyaki itself. is its friend, okonomiyaki. Excuse me but in Indonesia, okonomiyaki is almost similar with vegetable fried, or just say 'bala-bala'. For Japanese, once again you can understand the differences when you taste both and start comparing those.
Third is kakigori. I'm freaking missing that dessert! It's an obligation dessert for summer. It's so easy to make, and we have many in our country as we said 'es serut'. I would like to show you the images. Hope you postponed your diet program haha.

Well actually there are so many things to tell but I'm sorry that I'm running out of words. Lastly, thank you for your time reading my imperfect story. See you soon on the next post!

images source :

Based on my text above, I’d like to make 5 multiple choices questions.

1.     What am I going to do in the visited country?
a.      Walking around
b.     Learning their language
c.      Making a snowman
d.     Eating recommended foods
e.      Doing a social activities

2.     How was my school period in Japan?
a.      I had a friend of Indonesian
b.     Had bad scores
c.      I played all along and had a lot of fun
d.     One of my friend had tricked me
e.      I had eaten well at school that I was growing faster than the other child

3.     Mention 2 things that I have missed from Japan!
a.      The weather and cultures
b.     The air and its environment
c.      Friends and teachers
d.     Foods and beverages
e.      Traffic and foods

4.     What are the differences between Japanese takoyaki and Indonesian takoyaki?
a.      The price
b.     The package
c.      Amount of the sauces
d.     The color of takoyaki itself
e.      Size and price

5.     How’s the air in Japan?
a.      Full of pollution
b.     Dirty
c.      Very hot
d.     So cool that can refresh your mind
e.      Normal temperature